R.I.P. Target Hand Spear (5/20/96-10/22/14)
22-10-2014, 13:10Family / Misc. PersonalPermalinkTarget Hand Spear passed away peacefully today after battling multiple myeloma and kidney disease during the past year. He was 18 years old.
Target was born in the Los Angeles area and moved with his family to the Jersey Shore at the age of 3. The family eventually relocated to the suburbs of Philadelphia where Target spent the last six years of his life. For 15 years Target alternately played with, annoyed, and ignored his sisters Razzle and Misty, who preceded him in death.
Target was 1/2 Bengal and throughout his life he entertained us with many behaviors common to that breed of cat. Life with Target was certainly never boring and we are so glad that we were able to share our lives with him for 18 years.
We are grateful to Dr. Rufus and Bob at Colonial Animal Hospital in Newtown Square and to the staff at Mid-Atlantic Veterinary Specialists (EVS/Emergency Veterinary Services) in Malvern, especially Dr. Kumrow and Dr. Hamilton, for the quality care they provided Target during this final chapter of his life.
We love you, Targeee, and we will miss you forever.
Target, Oct. 22, 2014.